Sunday, February 6, 2011

Super-Bowl Ads - Taking A Back Seat To Social Media?

 The assignment : Write a creative post about the blog that you are following.

In light of the ensuing Super Bowl, I deemed it appropriate to seek out a post that dealt with the infamous commercials of the Super Bowl.  Mike Ogden (the author of the blog) touches on the subject of Super Bowl ads being as effective today as they were in 1984 - the year the Macintosh Computer hit the market.  Mike makes a case for Ford and Einstein bagels, who have made great strides using social media and creative thinking, rather then spending $3 millions dollars on a 30 second spot. 

We are a world that is constantly on the go. In all honesty between work, school, and a personal life, my time to watch television is limited.  So, everyone else must be like this.  After all is that not why the VCR and more recently TiVo were invented? Companies have come to realize that we are no longer the quaint little family that sits around the living room, eating t.v dinners, and watching our favorite shows.  Today, it is a good day when you're able to enjoy a meal still hot, and not nuked in the microwave! So, companies need to think "out side of the box" and reach out to us the consumers in a faster and more effective fashion.  Hence, the birth of mobile apps, You Tube, Groupon, Facebook, Linkdin, Twitter, and E-mail (to name a few)! 

Mike Ogden says:
"But now it’s 2011. I’m reminded of something Scott Monty, who heads up social media for Ford Motor Company, said in a webinar about the launch of the 2011 Ford Explorer: “By integrating our ad buy into our own content and into Facebook and using broadcast and PR, weaving it all together, we actually ended up with a one-day hit that got us greater exposure than a Super Bowl ad.”
This may explain why previous Super Bowl advertisers are taking a pass this year. They’re doing YouTube videos, creating buzz with contests, and cranking up social media."

Mike Ogden wrote "there are 3 tips to surviving in the new marketing and advertising age" :

1) Use measurable media
2) Apply direct mail to social media

3) We are all 'appy together"

 Not only do companies have to "find" us because we live such busy lives, but companies are no different than consumers and realize that like us they need to be creative in how money is distributed.  Years ago you were missing "the boat" if you didn't advertise during Super Bowl, but today you may be smarter than your competitor if you don't!  Creativity is free and so is 99.9% of social media, to me that is definitely a cost effective advertising touchdown!

Perhaps, the Monday morning quarterbacks won't be discussing what play won the game, but what company won or lost based on whether they advertised for $3 million dollars, or did it for free!


  1. Yes! And given the ads I've seen so far, the "smart" companies have to be elsewhere!

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