Consumer Behavior
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Friday, April 1, 2011
Recently in class we took a VALS survey that asked questions about our individual personalities, interests, and current financial situation. The results were calculated and instantaneously categorized each of us into categories based on the type of consumer we are. The results that I received based on my answers were Achiever and Innovator.
With many wants and needs, Achievers are active in the consumer marketplace. Image is important to Achievers; they favor established, prestige products and services that demonstrate success to their peers. Because of their busy lives, they are often interested in a variety of time-saving devices.
Image is important to Innovators, not as evidence of status or power but as an expression of their taste, independence, and personality. Innovators are among the established and emerging leaders in business and government, yet they continue to seek challenges. Their lives are characterized by variety. Their possessions and recreation reflect a cultivated taste for the finer things in life.
Motivated by the desire for achievement, Achievers have goal-oriented lifestyles and a deep commitment to career and family. Their social lives reflect this focus and are structured around family, their place of worship, and work. Achievers live conventional lives, are politically conservative, and respect authority and the status quo. They value consensus, predictability, and stability over risk, intimacy, and self-discovery.
I would have to agree being categorized as an achiever. My goals and what I strive for on a daily basis have changed within the last 5-6 years of my life. I have now centered my life around my career and rapidly excelling to become a noticed and valued employee within my company. Although, my current company may not be a company that I grow old with, I make it a point to put in 200% each and every day. I find myself going above and beyond in order to secure that next step in my career. I never want my name to be forgotten, therefore it is imperative that I constantly remain on top of and at the forefront of the decision makers within my company. Although, I am only 29 years old, I have managed to become a force to be reckoned with in an industry dominated by older, experienced, men.
I have also take the role of the achiever seriously in my academic life. In the later part of my twenties, I have realized the mistakes of years past, and would like to conquer my education and be on top in that aspect as well. Thus far I have met my goals, securing a 4.0 in my first semester back in academia after an 8 year absence. Because of all these exciting and important goals that I have set upon myself, I do lead a more conventional life than the average 29 year old. I live by a rigged schedule, rarely having time to spend out carelessly. Each and every move that I make is carefully managed and calculated, all in hopes of not ruining the overall goal.
In terms of being an achiever in the marketplace, I would agree that I am an active consumer that does tend to by based on the label. I would disagree that I purchase out of want - in order to show my peers. I would agree that I do it for quality purposes. I would agree that purchasing new things, is exciting and you want to show them off, and depending upon the item, it may or may seem to others that you are successful.
Innovators are successful, sophisticated, take-charge people with high self-esteem. Because they have such abundant resources, they exhibit all three primary motivations in varying degrees. They are change leaders and are the most receptive to new ideas and technologies. Innovators are very active consumers, and their purchases reflect cultivated tastes for upscale, niche products and services.
I would agree that I was an Innovator based on the last few sentences of the description. As I stated earlier, I am the minority in my current job field. I believe that I was hired as a form of new energy and ideas, in a field of ideas that have come and gone. Like the description states I do continue to seek new challenges. I have have made it a point to finish my double major within a 3 year time window. I have set the goal for myself at work - hoping to accomplish being promoted to a category-manager within my first 2 years of employment. For me there is no top of the mountain, no glass ceiling, I never want to stop succeeding! I also stated earlier in the achiever category that I do like the finer things in life, but that has to do more with qualitative purposes than quantitative purposes. I buy products because I have worked for the opportunity to purchase them. I do not believe in flaunting, and I still find it imperative to help those less fortunate than myself. I do not take anything for granted. I remember where I came from, and I will always remember those who helped me along the way.
Friday, March 25, 2011
When I was 16 years old, I had no idea what it meant to have my own identity. Like the typical teenager, I based my identity around copying my peers. I never knew that it would take something as minuscule as a wedding ring to change my thoughts on exactly what my self-concept was.
At 16 years old my father was diagnosed with colon cancer. Six months after first being diagnosed, my father passed away, at the age of 52. Throughout his illness there were many quiet times that he and I shared, just talking about all the things we had done together, and all the happy memories that both of us would take on what ever path we each were given. I learned more from my father in his last 6 months of life, then I did in 16 years. I will always carry with me those private conversations that we shared, about what he would want me to achieve in life, and of course to just keep making him proud.
My father passed away on October 10, 1998. I can still remember hearing my mom just say to me "he's gone." Those words have forever stayed close to my heart as one of the most painful and life changing experiences, I will ever encounter. My mom came home that night and told me that my Dad had left me something. She came over to me, opened her hand, and said " he said make him proud." When my mom opened her hand it was my father's wedding ring. That one single interaction has forever changed my life and who I am. I knew once I accepted that ring, that was my possession, that I could never let him down. My father leaving that behind for me was a gift in figuring out who I truly was as a person.
I've carried that wedding ring with me everyday for the last 13 years. Every decision I have ever made within the last 13 years, is because I've carried that ring with me. My father's ring, to me, is my Dad telling me what decisions are right, and what decisions are wrong. The change in my personality, my day to day activities, my whole persona, was almost immediate. I wasn't just a 16 year old girl anymore looking for her way in life. I had my golden ticket. As easy as it would have been to give up, to be upset and mad, that I just lost my father, I had the ability to look at everything vastly different. I became me!
Today, you can ask anyone I know, that ring is always with me. I'll find myself just thinking about anything, and just fiddling around with the ring at the same time. This ring has become such a part of me and my life that I couldn't possibly think of being without it. My Dad's final wish for me was to make him proud, to do the right thing, to achieve as much as life has to offer, and I've done that because I've always had a piece of him to take with me!
At 16 years old my father was diagnosed with colon cancer. Six months after first being diagnosed, my father passed away, at the age of 52. Throughout his illness there were many quiet times that he and I shared, just talking about all the things we had done together, and all the happy memories that both of us would take on what ever path we each were given. I learned more from my father in his last 6 months of life, then I did in 16 years. I will always carry with me those private conversations that we shared, about what he would want me to achieve in life, and of course to just keep making him proud.
My father passed away on October 10, 1998. I can still remember hearing my mom just say to me "he's gone." Those words have forever stayed close to my heart as one of the most painful and life changing experiences, I will ever encounter. My mom came home that night and told me that my Dad had left me something. She came over to me, opened her hand, and said " he said make him proud." When my mom opened her hand it was my father's wedding ring. That one single interaction has forever changed my life and who I am. I knew once I accepted that ring, that was my possession, that I could never let him down. My father leaving that behind for me was a gift in figuring out who I truly was as a person.
I've carried that wedding ring with me everyday for the last 13 years. Every decision I have ever made within the last 13 years, is because I've carried that ring with me. My father's ring, to me, is my Dad telling me what decisions are right, and what decisions are wrong. The change in my personality, my day to day activities, my whole persona, was almost immediate. I wasn't just a 16 year old girl anymore looking for her way in life. I had my golden ticket. As easy as it would have been to give up, to be upset and mad, that I just lost my father, I had the ability to look at everything vastly different. I became me!
Today, you can ask anyone I know, that ring is always with me. I'll find myself just thinking about anything, and just fiddling around with the ring at the same time. This ring has become such a part of me and my life that I couldn't possibly think of being without it. My Dad's final wish for me was to make him proud, to do the right thing, to achieve as much as life has to offer, and I've done that because I've always had a piece of him to take with me!
Saturday, February 26, 2011
I love Hollister! Why do I love it? For me, when I walk into a Hollister store, regardless of the time of year, I suddenly feel like I live in San Diego all over again. Hollister does it perfectly! The front entrance to the store is lined with surfboards and surf magazines and already I'm feeling like I am right back on Mission Beach surfing the day away. Hollister primes the consumer so well that when you're in their store you automatically feel like you are on the beaches of California. The loud music, the cologne - that somehow smells like Southern California, the web-cams that flash live video of Hunington Beach, and the surfing gear that lines every store, primes the customer by stimulating the senses.
Recently, I was in NYC and I was walking down 5th Ave and I heard the sound of waves crashing. The sound was coming from the larger than life Hollister store that had streaming video of Hunington Beach on the entire exterior of the store. (See Above) Instantly, I was taken back to the warm sunny weather of California and I had to go in!
Priming is setting consumers up to feel a certain way. Hollister is a constant interaction that I have that primes me to get into the mood of the brand. My senses instantly awake, the sun is shinning, I can see the ocean, I can hear the music, the lingo of the staff, and the smell of California always entices me to make a purchase.
Friday, February 18, 2011
Blue Moon --- "You can beat them to death on the field, but you can't beat them in the bar!"
Last year, after many years of not playing softball, I decided I wanted to play recreational softball. After speaking with some old team members, I decided to join them in the Johnston Recreational League, on the Blue Moon team. Initially, I had no idea what The Blue Moon was, I was just happy to be playing again. I soon figured out that The Blue Moon was a hole-in-the-wall bar.
I knew something was wrong, when the first game of the season arrived and we had yet to have a practice. I showed up to the field in my brand new uniform, my broken-in glove, and my brand new color changing cleats, and I was ready to play. As I sat there waiting for my team members to arrive, I started to notice that I was the black sheep! There were guys that showed up in jeans, overweight, and carrying a cooler full of Bud Light. There were older gentlemen, and women, who looked like they had never played a game of anything in their life. Needless to say we became the laughing stock of the league. We won 1 game last year, but we all loved being on that field, whether we were good or not. The best part of being part of that team was just getting to meet new people, who just wanted to have fun. Many times after the games we would all commune at the Blue Moon, have a few drinks, and make fun of each other's athletic capabilities. The joke of the league was "You can win against Blue Moon, but you can't beat them in the bar!"
Walker states "They do want to participate in the broader idea of this form of leisure and the group identity it seems to represent. They clearly want, in other words, to join the 'community'". That isn't a mistake or a fluke. It's a key to understanding how symbols help us solve the problem of balancing individuality and belonging. Every member of the community helps define the community."(Walker-34)
Like Walker's discussion we are all individuals, with different lives, different jobs, and different abilities, but when we wore the Blue Moon logo, we were a team! Blue Moon meant nothing to the other teams (maybe it meant a win) but to us, it was our team, our bar, and our family!
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Tito's Handmade Vodka VS, Sailor Jerry Spiced Navy Rum
Tito's Vodka was interesting to read about. The gentleman that started the company, Tito began his career in the oil industry in Venezuela. Tito then moved back to Austin to begin working in the geology field, but also started a career in the mortgage business. All the while Tito had a passion for making vodka and flavored vodka.
What would Walker say about the Tito brand of vodka? I believe Walker would say that Tito and his vodka have an authenticity about them. The brand has a story a "direct, demonstrable link to a factual back story." (Walker - Buying In - Pg. 15) Tito always had a passion for producing vodka's but wasn't able to make it his life's work until later on in his life, when he had saved the money, altered his recipe, and purchased the property to begin distillation.
Tito has a passion for distilling vodka and it is evident in his background story and in his brand. Tito's marketing for the vodka is genius! Tito's entire website is about the vodka, where to find the vodka, stories concerning the vodka, questions about vodka, and even a form to bring to your local establishment to start purchasing Tito's vodka. Walker talked about the Pretty Good Problem - the liquor industry is no different. Tito has managed to sustain a business in a brand sensitive market strictly on word of mouth advertising. What makes Tito's Vodka remarkable? Tito won 2 gold medals at theWorld's Spirit Competition and beat 72 other vodka companies both in flavors and non-flavored vodkas and he has done so by just word of mouth!!
Sailor Jerry's Navy Rum
"Sailor Jerry began as a small clothing line determined to honor the legacy of Norman “Sailor Jerry” Collins by bringing his classic artwork to a wider audience. The brand espouses his traditional value system, supporting all different walks of creative individuals who feel as strongly about the nature of their work as Sailor Jerry did about his. (
To be honest I was a bit confused as to how Sailor Jerry's started a rum. The website doesn't really provide a lot of information on the rum brand, but does speak a lot about Sailor Jerry and his background. While I was researching the website, I was reminded of the Tony Alva video we watched in class. Sailor Jerry's is a brand based on an image "Sailor Jerry" and his artwork, not the actual product, just like Tony Alva being the image and his skateboards being secondary.
What would Walker say? "In the marketing world, the idea that shared consumer tastes add up to something like a community is a persuasive one."(Walker - Pg. 30) Although the brand did not start with an authenticity behind it, the community that surrounds the brands (artists and such) have developed an authenticity behind the brand and created a community.
What would Walker say about the Tito brand of vodka? I believe Walker would say that Tito and his vodka have an authenticity about them. The brand has a story a "direct, demonstrable link to a factual back story." (Walker - Buying In - Pg. 15) Tito always had a passion for producing vodka's but wasn't able to make it his life's work until later on in his life, when he had saved the money, altered his recipe, and purchased the property to begin distillation.
Tito has a passion for distilling vodka and it is evident in his background story and in his brand. Tito's marketing for the vodka is genius! Tito's entire website is about the vodka, where to find the vodka, stories concerning the vodka, questions about vodka, and even a form to bring to your local establishment to start purchasing Tito's vodka. Walker talked about the Pretty Good Problem - the liquor industry is no different. Tito has managed to sustain a business in a brand sensitive market strictly on word of mouth advertising. What makes Tito's Vodka remarkable? Tito won 2 gold medals at theWorld's Spirit Competition and beat 72 other vodka companies both in flavors and non-flavored vodkas and he has done so by just word of mouth!!
Sailor Jerry's Navy Rum
"Sailor Jerry began as a small clothing line determined to honor the legacy of Norman “Sailor Jerry” Collins by bringing his classic artwork to a wider audience. The brand espouses his traditional value system, supporting all different walks of creative individuals who feel as strongly about the nature of their work as Sailor Jerry did about his. (
To be honest I was a bit confused as to how Sailor Jerry's started a rum. The website doesn't really provide a lot of information on the rum brand, but does speak a lot about Sailor Jerry and his background. While I was researching the website, I was reminded of the Tony Alva video we watched in class. Sailor Jerry's is a brand based on an image "Sailor Jerry" and his artwork, not the actual product, just like Tony Alva being the image and his skateboards being secondary.
What would Walker say? "In the marketing world, the idea that shared consumer tastes add up to something like a community is a persuasive one."(Walker - Pg. 30) Although the brand did not start with an authenticity behind it, the community that surrounds the brands (artists and such) have developed an authenticity behind the brand and created a community.
The Pretty Good Problem
The "Pretty Good Problem" is a problem that affects all of us, everyday in every purchase we make. Consumers are being inundated with products that all do the same thing, in contrast to a time when consumers had to look into the best working model. Seth Godin said it best - "Most products are invincible, therefore things must be made remarkable, if they have a chance to succeed."
Recently, I experienced the "Pretty Good Problem" when I decided to purchase a new vehicle. I was in the market to purchase a SUV, the problem - there are too many to choose from! Just the idea of purchasing a vehicle is a big step, but to research, compare and contrast, and narrow it down to a slim few, is time consuming and overwhelming! From start to finish the process took 3 months. Although, I am still considered "young", (which I am completely fine with), I remember being a kid and my father buying the new family car. The process then only took a day! The hardest decision to make was what color you wanted!
Today we are overwhelmed with brands, models, colors, chrome/no chrome, satellite radio/conventional radio, sunroof or moon roof, leather or cloth, 4 cylinder or 6 cylinder, alloy wheels, navigation systems, park assist programs, smoker package, blah blah blah blah blah! It's too much! In order for the car companies to get around this "Pretty Good Problem" they have to offer you other incentives. Incentives that will make you sign your life away for the next 3-5 years!
After 3 long months of research, test-drives, and negotiating, I decided upon the 2010 Jeep Liberty Limited. How did Jeep get around the "Pretty Good Problem?" Jeep offered me the top of the line model (digital navigation, leather interior, sunroof, heated seats, heated mirrors, chrome package, satellite radio, blue tooth through my navigation, etc) for the price of their base model, with some extra taken off. Jeep was also running a promotion for well qualified buyers : 0% APR, $2,500.00 purchase credit, $5,000.00 regardless of trade in value, tax/title/registration paid for by Jeep, and free delivery charge of vehicle. In addition I was able to have the Jeep dealership include slush mats, cargo cover, and side rails free of charge! In terms of maintenance, Jeep has offered me buy 1 get 2 free on oil changes, free car wash and detailing, and courtesy vehicle if necessary.
The other difference between Jeep and the other models, except Range Rover was that their advertisements catered to all consumers. If you look through a Jeep POS pamphlet you see the "soccer mom", the "off roader", and business men in suits. Jeep has doesn't narrow down their target market, they want anyone and everyone to purchase their vehicles.
How did Jeep get around the "Pretty Good Problem?" Jeep knew their models were similar in price, safety, handling, and comfort as other brands in the market, but they offered more to the consumer monetarily than any other car company in their class. In a time of economic uncertainty, buying a car is not an option for a lot of consumers. Therefore, the package to those consumers that can purchase, have to be rewarding, they have to be remarkable, and that is why Jeep secured my business.
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